Parental Alienation Attorney Serving Denver
If you believe you have suffered parental alienation by the actions of your co-parent, we strongly advise that you discuss the situation with our experienced Denver family attorney at Stephan E. Uslan, Attorney & Counselor at Law. Our firm is backed by decades of family law experience handling even the most complicated of issues including that of parental alienation.
Legal steps can be taken on your behalf to remedy the situation and put an end to such detrimental behavior against you and your child. Let our Denver parental alientation lawyer use our extensive knowledge and practice in this field to fight for your parental rights and the wellbeing of your child.
What is Parental Alienation?
Parental alienation involves one parent manipulating the mind of the child into an unfavorable opinion of the other parent. It can consist of various behaviors that ultimately estrange the child from the targeted parent and thus result in a breakdown of the parent-child relationship. Parental alienation is an issue that can arise in divorce, post-divorce, and among unmarried parents.
This factor can complicate divorce as well as parenting plans and can have long-lasting negative psychological consequences for the affected child. Because of this, it is vital to become aware of and remedy parental alienation as early as possible to avoid potentially irreparable harm to a child.
Can a Parent Lose Custody for Parental Alienation?
Family courts operate on the principle of doing what is in the best interests of the child. This commonly leads to joint custody and visitation rights as courts believe children should have a continuing and meaningful relationship with both parents.
However, where a parent abuses his or her parental obligations by engaging in negative, hostile, or disparaging behavior against the other parent, the courts will likely view this as violating the child’s best interests.
Is Parental Alienation a Crime?
Colorado courts take the issue of parental alienation seriously as such practices are contrary to what is in the child’s best interest. According to state law, parents are required to foster the child’s relationship with their other parent and to put the child’s needs first. Engaging in parental alienation tactics can result in the modification of parenting time, visitation, and other rights by the court.
Book a confidential case review with a Denver parental alientation attorney from The Law Office of Stephan E. Uslan at (303) 900-5346.

Types of Parental Alienation
Parental alienation can have lasting and harmful effects to the child, leading to damaged parent-child relationships. Parental alienation can occur in (but is not limited to) the following ways.
Examples of Parental Alienation:
- Making disparaging remarks about the other parent to the child
- Blaming the other parent for the divorce and the separation of the family
- Blaming the targeted parent for financial problems
- Failing to allow the child to communicate to the targeted parent when the child is in his or her control
- Failing to let the targeted parent know about important school, sports, or other events in which the child is involved
- Asking the child to spy on the targeted parent
- Giving the child examples of the “bad” behavior of the targeted parent
- Asking the child to choose between parents
- Disallowing valid visitation times or coming up with excuses as to why visitation shouldn’t happen with the targeted parent
What Does Parental Alienation Do to a Child?
Children are already often traumatized by the breakup of the family and thus they can become very emotionally confused and suggestible. Veiled or openly hostile behavior demonstrated against one parent can leave them even more upset and disturbed. This can result in damaged relationships extending into adulthood as well as psychological harm in the form of anxiety, feelings of betrayal, poor ability to concentrate, and more.
Taking steps to stop this type of harm is essential for the emotional health of the child and to preserve your child’s affection toward to you if you are the alienation target.
Discuss Your Case with Our Denver Parental Alienation Lawyer
When determining custody and parenting plans, one of the factors involved in the courts review is whether a parent has the ability to foster a positive relationship between the child and the other parent. Where a parent violates this by trying to estrange the child from the targeted parent, a judge may take discretionary actions against the alienating parent. As a highly-experienced and professional family law firm, our parential alientation lawyer in Denver can provide the tenacious assistance you need to fight back against parental alienation in the courts.
Call our parental alientation lawyer in Denver today at (303) 900-5346.

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Over 40 Years of Experience
Degree in Social work
Exclusive to Family Law
In-depth experience in all matters relating to child custody and divorce